not at my desk, gone into the big green meadow with david bowie.
"What kind of bird are you if you can't fly?" said the bird. The duck replied, "What kind of bird are you if you can't swim?" and dove into the pond.
the bird is a flute
the duck is an oboe
ps. si daca tot nu pot sa zbor, ar trebui macar sa inot. sau sa merg pe bicicleta. sau sa-mi iau antibioticele la timp. sau sa-mi spal tenisii. sau sa aflu ce fel de bird-instrument-tune sunt...
pps. multumiri unui tanar pinguin-furnizor de poveste
May I use the F word? Fuck! This is hard, even for an outsider! :))
no, you may not. :)) too late now, huh? de fapt, la ora asta tot din ce-e-posibil e permis.
in continuare... hard how? hard like clown? :))
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